Thursday, October 9, 2014

Housewife of Las Vegas

A lot has changed in my world since my last blog post!

Have you ever felt stuck in a position?
Over worked?

Take all of the feelings above, combine them and this describes me at my last job. I knew I did not belong there....but I have a tendency to hope for the best and dream things will magically get better. Sadly it did not. It got worse. To be honest I dislike the feeling of being unemployed. I have always been very independent and despise asking anyone for anything! (My spouse included). I know he would take a trip to the moon on my behalf if asked...but I do not need all of that! I am a simple girl.

The money was above average, but no job is worth your sanity. I felt like this job brought out the worse in me. I know everyone does not have the luxury of just up and quitting their job, but the message I am trying to convey is that life is too short to be unhappy. To have to pry yourself out of bed every morning to travel to a job you dislike and work among people who feel superior to you is a daunting task. I refuse to settle for a mediocre job with no room for growth. I refuse to be lied on, and not given the same opportunities my male coworkers were given. I am better than that so I chose to rise above it. I feel free and empowered. I know my faith will deliver. I will be just fine!