
"Right to Bare My Arms"

So Sunday 3/23/14 I awoke in a freeing mood. I went through my closet to find an appropriate car wash outfit. When I reference appropriate I mean something that covers every insecurity I have on my body. My body is a work in progress, and I know this, but why should I dislike or be ashamed of the skin I currently live in? This morning I took a stand. These arms were out and free. Yes I have stretch marks.... yes parts of my arms are flabby.... but I love me for who I am and what I stand for. Whether I lose 20 lbs or nothing at all I just want to truly embrace all my imperfections. Sometimes ladies we stand in line at a grocery store right next to a woman suffering from the same issues we are plagued with.... but we do not care. We are too wrapped up in ourselves, and in what other people think. I want every person reading this entry to join me in a challenge. I challenge each, and every one of you to say something positive about another woman. I don't care if you like her anklet.... let her know because you may have just made that person's day. Stop being so afraid of rejection or that this person may think you are crazy! Who cares! Chances are you will not see this person again.... but if you do she will remember the compliment you paid her. So today's lesson is you to have the "Right to Bare Your Arms!" I included a picture of my arm baring tank. I am a huge fan of fellow blogger Mama Laughlin! If you think I am funny you will think she is a comedian! The last picture is a tank I am bound to purchase.

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